silicon synapse

So you know that way I'm really crap at documenting project I'm working on (well unless is a model or a 3d print I think is pretty cool and I need some feedback on).

well I wanted to go over some of the details on a project I was working on last year as a technical artist

Created by artist Alan James Burns, in collaboration with writer Sue Rainsford, artist Jason Dunne and Kev Ryan composer Michael Riordan, coder Robert McGregor, Silicon Synapse is an immersive Virtual Reality and psycho-acoustic experience that will take you on a simulated journey into the personified mind of 'Technology'. The project is jointly commissioned by Fingal County Council Arts Office and the European Commission's SciArt programme, and funded by Arts Council of Ireland Open Call Award.

Silicon Synapse is a virtual reality and psycho-acoustic installation, a stimulating sensory artwork which is experienced one person at a time. You travel through virtual reality on a simulated journey into the personified mind of 'Technology', while hearing the inner dialogue of 'Technology's' mind as it ruminates over both sides of a lovers' quarrel. 'Technology' and its life partner 'Nature' argue about the sustainability of their relationship and their future as a couple.

By anthropomorphising technology in Silicon Synapse, we have created an assumed inner consciousness experience of a transhuman entity. Transhumanism is the growing understanding that humans will transcend the limitations of our biological bodies by technological and digital means.

Silicon Synapse explores evolution, genetic engineering and transhumanism. Each viewer is engulfed by a conscious dream-like realm, as they travel through intense listening and visual experiences. I developed the project with HUMAINT, a European Commission project aiming to understand the impact of machine intelligence on human behaviour, with a focus on cognitive and socio-emotional capabilities and decision-making.


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